
July 14, 2012


Recent work to be featured at the Halle Cultural Art Center. Opening Reception July 20, 6-8pm.

Quiet Morning

June 10, 2012

Quiet Morning

A change of pace for me. Simple paint on gessoed raw canvas. I like the simplicity.

A Blogging Novice

May 15, 2012

If I truly wish to blog, then I need to actually add something to this site once in a while. I can’t believe the last time I checked it was in February.  I went to my painting workshop and just let go of everything. I loved “The Painting Experience,” and enjoyed every color, every brush stroke, and every minute of those 3 days that I went.

Once it was over, it was back to the day job and taking care of the mundane things that keep my household from falling apart. As far as my art, I am still trying to squeeze it into my schedule. I have been working on a few pieces. I am especially enjoying finding rusted metal to go into a mixed media piece I’m working on.

I also experimented with clear gesso on a raw canvas. I left much of the raw canvas exposed and just added very gestural strokes of black and aqua, with a touch of a rust color. I will photograph it and post it on the site soon. 

Over the last year, I have been dealing with multiple episodes of vertigo which has been very debilitating and it kept me from my other passion which is Yoga. Finally the doctors were able to pinpoint the why and I have now returned to my Yoga practice. It’s amazing how much not having Yoga affected my life and my art.

As both my Yoga and art practice come back to my life, I feel that things are coming into focus for me.

Enjoying my day…

January 24, 2012

I must admit that lately it’s been hard to get in the mood to paint. We’ve had dreary cold and rainy weather and I’ve been dealing with family,  house and health issues that just won’t go away.

BUT today the sun has come out and I feel a renewed spirit. Tonight I will go to my abstract art critique where I can be with likeminded friends to view and be healed by the beauty of art. I don’t have a lot  to share, but I am ready to be inspired and move forward.

I am also excited about the prospect of spending the entire weekend painting with “The Painting Experience.” It will be like 3 days of pure therapy for me. I can’t wait.

How I'm feeling right now

I often dream of having days on end to spend in my studio, painting, sculpting, listening to inspirational music and wiling away the hours in creative bliss. Then reality stomps on me and I realize that dishes need to be washed, errands need to be run and family members need care.

Recently I have been through something with my mom who is 87. She’s always been a very independent woman, but she recently had a setback that made me realize how fragile life is.  I love doing my art, but when it comes down to it, compassion and care for others must come first.

For a while it appeared that I might never get back to the studio, but I am finding a new rhythm and working my way back to my art.  Art is becoming one of the things I will have to just schedule into my days. Art is what will keep me sane when everything else in my life goes crazy.  

I am determined to make time to take care of me  and still manage those things that “have to” get done day to day.

Hello world!

February 21, 2011

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!